Paul Donaldson

Paul Donaldson, Town of Poultney manager. Photo by Caesar Sonntag.
I got the pleasure to speak with Paul Donaldson, the Town and Village Manager of Poultney. Paul has been in this position for little over a year. He studied sociology in college and in his last few years at school, he took up law because he struggled to see how sociology would apply in the real world. Law allowed Paul to still interact with people; he sees himself as a people person. One of the reasons he likes his job is because it allows him to still practice law. Paul was approached by the previous manager of Poultney and was asked to be a part of the Board of Trustees. Paul agreed, then the manager resigned. He told Paul, “you would be good at this overall”. Paul was ready for a change and took the position and so far, it’s worked out well. Paul also went on to say that as someone who is part of the community, not only as the town manager, but a family man as well, he thinks it’s part of our basic duty to be active within the community and what better way to be active than be right on the front line.